11/11/96 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 10/01/77
As is the aim, so are the qualifications.
Today, from each child's forehead and eyes, BapDada was especially seeing one special aspect. It was to what extenttheir qualifications are close to their aim. According to the aim, to what extent the qualifications are visible in thepractical form. Each one's aim is very elevated, but in imbibing the qualifications for that aim, there are three typesof effort衫aker. What are these three types?
The first are those who enjoy knowledge when they listen to it and feel that they should do it. However, they onlyknow how to listen and not how to do it. The second are those who think about it, who understand it and even do it.But, because of not being the form of power, they play a double計art. One moment they will be a Brahmin and a fasteffort衫aker, and the next moment they will lose courage. What is the reason for this? They become influenced byone or another of the five vices or the elements of nature. This is why there is a difference caused between their aimand their qualifications. They have the desire, but they lack the power to become completely free from the knowledgeof any desires, and because of this reason, they are not able to reach their aim. The third are those who continue tomove along with their listening, thinking and doing being equal. In such souls, the qualifications and the aim arevisible as 99% equal. In this way, BapDada is seeing three types of effort衫aker.
At present, the thoughts and words of every Brahmin soul should be tested against their aim as to whether theirthoughts and words are according to their aim. Your aim is to become an angel and so a deity. Just as you checkyour thoughts, words and deeds against your lokik family and your occupation, in the same way, are you Brahminsouls moving along whilst keeping your highest觔n虐igh family and occupation in front of you? Do you have thepresent Brahmin life of having died alive in your awareness or do the characteristics of your past shudra life comenaturally into play? As is your birth, so are your actions. The actions performed in your elevated birth shouldautomatically be elevated. If this takes effort, it means that you lack the awareness of your Brahmin birth. In fact,elevated actions and an elevated aim are the birthright of an elevated birth. Just as in lokik life, physical wealth isyour birthright, in the same way, in Brahmin life, the wealth of divine virtues, Godly happiness and powers are yourbirthright. One should have the intoxication of one's birthright in a natural way; one should not need to make effortfor it. If one has to make effort, then something is definitely lacking in the relationship and connection. Askyourself: Do I have the intoxication of the birthright? By maintaining this intoxication, your aim and its qualificationsbecome equal. What is the easy method for this, through which you would be liberated from making effort for it?You know yourself as you are and what you are, whose child and which family you belong to, but you do not accept itat all times. You do not look at the picture of your fortune. If you constantly continue to look at the picture of yourfortune, then just as when you see a physical body, you have the natural awareness of the body, so too, the picture ofyour fortune would remain in your awareness just as naturally. Whilst walking and moving along, the soundlesschant of "Wah Baba, and wah my fortune" would emerge in your mind. Bhagats try to listen to the sound beyondlimits; in fact, this is the memorial of your stage. The picture of the previous kalpa, where you are constantly dancingin happiness, which is called the picture of the raas leela in which they have portrayed gopes and gopis constantlydancing with Gopi Vallabh (father of the gopes and gopis), is a picture of the memorial of your dancing in happiness.It is a picture created of your practical activities. Are you constantly able to see the picture of your divine activities?Do you have the experience that that is your image? This is called the image of your fortune. If you daily performevery action whilst seeing the image of your fortune, then you will be liberated from effort and experience thehappiness of your birthright.
Now, there is no more time to labour. Now, become an embodiment of the awareness that you now know what youhad to know and have attained what you had to attain. Do you have this experience? BapDada is happy to see theimage of each one's fortune. The same should apply to you. BapDada is especially amazed about one aspect, of howthe master almighty authorities, the ones who have the most elevated fortune, become confused over trivial matters,just like a lion being afraid of an ant. What would you think if a lion were to say: "How can I kill an ant? Whatshould I do?" Would you think this is possible or impossible? So too, if the master almighty authorities becomeconfused over little matters, would the Father think that this is possible or would He be amazed? Therefore, now isnot the time to be afraid of little things; now is the time to remove all confused souls from their confusion. Do youunderstand? These are things of childhood. These things of childhood do not seem right in front of master creators.Therefore, you are told to dance constantly with zeal and enthusiasm. Constantly continue to listen to the subtlesound in your mind of "Wah my fortune!", and, "Wah the Bestower of Fortune!" Together with dancing, you alsoneed music, and so constantly continue to listen to this eternal sound in your mind and continue to dance in happiness.
To those who constantly maintain the intoxication of their birthright; to those who constantly maintain Godlyintoxication; to those who are liberated from labour; to those who make their qualifications equal to their aim; tothose who remove others from all confusion; to the multimillion苯old fortunate souls who have an elevated fortune,BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.
Blessing: May you be the angelic form who, with the foot of the intellect, remains beyond the attractions of the fiveelements.Angels are always shown as beings of light. Those who have a body of light also remain beyond the consciousness ofthe physical body. The foot of their intellect remains beyond the attractions of the five elements. No type of Maya oranyone under the influence of Maya can touch such angels. However, only when you are not dependent on anyonewill this happen. You should have complete rights over the body, complete rights over Maya and not be dependentupon lokik or alokik relations.
Slogan: By having a balance in effort for the self and for service, all bondages will change into relationships.
Questions and answers from Avyakt Murlis:
Question: You are the secret spies of the Pandav Government. What is your task?
Answer: When something new is to happen, the spies of that Government go to check it out, and they create new plans. In the same way, the task of you incognito spies of the Pandav Government is to reveal the interventionof those who trap other souls, to reveal those who show the wrong path to others and who cheat others. Yourimpact will spread when you personally bring in front of Baba those who have turned away from Him.Revelation will take place through this.
Question: What is the practical form of the final service, for which you should create plans?
Answer: In the beginning, there was the enthusiasm of giving the message to those who had made you fall. And in the middle period, you went into the expansion of creating subjects. However, whatever took place at thebeginning has to happen at the end. Just as you make effort in order to become free from the chains of Maya, inthe same way, these (serving those who had made you fall) are also large chains which take on a very attractiveform day by day and attract you towards themselves. Liberate everyone from this. This is the means for thefinal impact. Now, reveal the falsehood as false and there will be victory for the truth.
Question: Which task is for the Shaktis alone and not for the Pandavs or anyone else?
Answer: To make those who consider themselves to be maharathis bow down and to reveal their secret activities is the task of the Shaktis alone. This task cannot be accomplished by anyone but the Shaktis.
Question: When will the task of the final revelation take place in a practical way?
Answer: When the Shaktis have the zeal and enthusiasm to do it, this task will be possible. It cannot be accomplished by making a programme for it. If you give a programme to souls for them to do something, they will not be ableto do it. They will not have the power to face anything. For this, there should be deep force within your heart toactually do something. Only then will it happen practically. The Shaktis have to become the entertaining yogisfor this.
Question: Which souls will definitely attract others towards themselves?
Answer: Those who remain active and accurate. Those who are clean and honest and soul conscious will definitely attract others towards themselves. The mahatmas who were satopradhan had spiritual attraction and used toattract others towards themselves and inspire them to have disinterest. Since they had so much attraction, thosewho are an embodiment of elevated knowledge will definitely have this spiritual attraction.
Question: In which aspects do you have to become accurate and active?
Answer: You have to remain accurate and active in whatever shrimat you have been given for your thoughts, words and deeds. Those who are active are able to make themselves into whatever they want at any time and are ableto adopt whatever form they want.
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